2) Pray for inspiration. Be specific in your requests so God can be specific in his answers. Pray for your companion to be inspired too. Believe that there are prepared people out there.
3) One missionary looks over the map and makes a list of ten streets. Write down any street you have the slightest hunch about. That's how the Spirit speaks - a still small voice. A righteous hunch.
4) The other missionary then prays over the list and makes a list of five from the list of ten, then the companion does the same.
5) Compare lists. At least one will match up, usually more than one. Go out and tract these streets with hope and enthusiasm.
Similar experience at our appointment with a young man in our apt complex (so much easier to keep track of them when you're neighbors). As he answered our question about what he'd want to ask God, the Restoration demonstration we do with mini cups got pushed to the side and Sister C whipped out the POS pictures. Likely due to his experience in the army overseas, his question was essentially, "What will happen to all the Muslims that live good lives? Are they condemned because they don't know about Christ?" Doctrine: The gospel is taught to the spirits in prison. Everyone gets that chance. Heavenly Father thought of everything. He also asked, "Was Jesus Christ fully man? Because there's no way a man could live a whole life without sinning and be normal." He then said he thought it might be hard for some people to trust in Him and keep His commandments because "if you've never been a drug addict and you try to preach to one, he won't wanna listen because you've never been where he's been." I tried very hard to contain my excitement. You guys, even many of the best Christians don't fully understand the extent of the Savior's atonement. We answered both of these statements with Alma 7, and our personal testimonies that Christ, as the divine Son of God, took upon himself all our sins AND infirmities, so that He can say truthfully to each one of us "I know how you feel" and then beckon us to follow Him and find joy and peace in redemption. The Atonement was reason the Plan could happen. And what an awesome plan it is.
24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who aknoweth all things. [2 Nephi 2:24]
Got our hair did. |
Nonetheless, when that "wisdom" doesn't line up with your own expectations, it's a tough pill to swallow. One of the investigator's we're most hopeful for, who kept our appointment, had all his siblings there to listen too, who actually began to read the Book of Mormon when invited to, who listened intently to the POS and was spot-on in line with true doctrine every time he made a comment, who looked at the diagram of it and said "I've seen all this before" (to which I pointed to pre-earth life and said "There, you learned about this when you were there") and who even confirmed Saturday night, did not show up to church on Sunday. Which means according to our end-of-the-week report, "not progressing." I still don't understand how a people who have been taught since birth that going to church is a routine and necessary part of life have such a hard time coming to church when we invite them. Sigh.
Though, I have seen the "wisdom of him who knoweth all things" unfold before, it's true. For example, months after the fact, I realize that having a van that was so not dependable ended up being a huge blessing - because I never knew when it was going to give out on me, I had no choice but to make prayer a daily part of my commute and even memorized a few hymns that I would sing on my way to school every morning. I might have found no need to do so had I driven a car with no faults or failures. Similarly, our weaknesses and adversity prepare us for things to come, by teaching us how to rely on the Lord. It could be worse. I could be like Joseph in Egypt. He had to be hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, and wrongly imprisoned for two years, just so he could eventually be discovered by Pharaoh and save all of Egypt and Canaan from seven year famine. I had to be called to the Bible belt and serve 8 months without a baptism because..... well, I don't know the answer to that one yet. But maybe it'll reveal itself eventually.
Consider the attitude of the sons of Mosiah following their conversion:
Sister Valdez